- Acest eveniment a trecut.
Tracking individuals` (work) activity: Pros and cons to the quantified-self
27.11.2020 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Conferință susținută de Conf. univ dr. Monica Zaharie, beneficiar al programului Advanced Fellowship Intern al Institutului Star-UBB
Tracking individuals’ work activity: pros and cons
Friday, 27.11.2020, 13.00
Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88166146369
Given the rapidly development of new technologies, recent research attempts to understand how the information and communication technology is impacting individuals and its implications for the business world. Despite increased use and anticipated benefits, (self)monitoring systems can have both positive and negative effects. During this event we will present and discuss the main positive and negative effects of using (self) tracking devices and monitoring systems.