Nr.crt. | Perioada de implementare | Nr.contract | Tip proiect | Nume și prenume | Titlu proiect |
1 | 2011-2017 | 1D43TW0009122-01 | NIH – subaward University of California | Cherecheș Răzvan | REMASTER: Research training: socio-economics of mental health service delivery in SE Europe |
2 | 2014 -2017 | NUKR.SFPP 98444o | NATO | Beldean-Galea Simion | A model to predict and prevent possible disastruous effects of toxic pollution in the Tisza River watershed |
3 | 2014-2020 | RC104441BBU | NIH – Subaward Michigan State University | Blaga Oana | PERSIST: Family smoking cessation in Romania using pregnancy as a window of opportunity |
4 | 2015-2017 | 1001591621 | NIH – subaward University of Iowa | Cherecheș Răzvan | RO- CDIRT Iowa non-comunicable chronic diseases research training program in Romania |
5 | 2015-2018 | 2090 GVA213 | NIH – Subaward UCLA | Baciu Călin | Reduced Carbon in Earth: origin, forms, quantities and movements |
6 | 2016-2018 | 30139/2016 | Consiliul pentru cercetare în științe humaniste din Canada | Mișcoiu Sergiu | État et cultures juridiques autochtones: un droit en quête de légitimité |
7 | 2016-2018 | 634201 | Contract de prestări servicii – Imperial college Londra | Roth Maria | MOCHA – Models of Child Health Appraised |
8 | 2016-2019 | 32999/2016 | Contract prestări servicii – ESA | Ajtai Nicolae | SAMIRA – Sattelite based monitoring initiative for regional air quality |
9 | 2016-2021 | IZ11ZO_166543 | Swiss National Science Foundation | Bencze Laszlo Csaba | PROMIS: MIO-enzyme toolkit for non-natural aminoacid synthesis |
10 | 2016-2021 | 2D43TW007261-11 | NIH – Subaward University of Iowa | Cherecheș Răzvan | iCREATE – Increasing capacity in research in Eastern Europe |
11 | 07-09.2017 | 33130/13.06.2017 | Finanțare privată | Puscaș Mihai | Conserving the endemic flora of the Carpathian Region |
12 | 2017-2018 | RC108046BBU | NIH – Subaward Michigan State University | Blaga Oana | Mobile Health: Technology and Outcomes In Low and Middle Income Countries |
13 | 2017-2018 | 2017-694 | Finanțare privată – IHRA | Szabo Zoltan Tibori | Proof of concept of optical character recognition application to provide access to the most important Romanian Holocaust-related archival documents |
14 | 2017-2019 | W001020846 | NIH – Subaward University of Iowa | Dulf Diana | INITIatE: International Collaboration to increase Traumatic Brain Injuries Surveillance in Europe |
15 | 2018-2021 | PPI/APM/2018/1/00033/001 | NAWA, Polonia | Zaharie Monica | BUT InterAcademic Partnerships |
16 | 2018-2020 | RG92422 | Contract cu terți – Cambridge University | Băban Adriana | Evidence for Better Lives Study – Data Innovation Pilot |
17 | 2018-2022 | 36319/20.12.2018 |
Contract cu terți – Univ. Mannheim |
Fighting together, moving apart? European common defense and shared security in an age of Brexit and Trump |
18 | 2019-2020 | RC110285UBB | NIH – Subaward Michigan State University | Dascăl Marina | Ethical considerations related to E-cigarette use for pregnancy smoking cessation |
19 | 2019-2020 | RC110285UBB2 | NIH – Subaward Michigan State University | Dascăl Marina | Supplement: Mobile Health Intervention for Family Smoking Cessation in Romania |
20 | 2019-2022 | 34842/4.11.2019 (BN.000598.1.) | Contract cu terți – Univ. din Utrecht | Baciu Călin | ROMEO – Subcontract in the framework of United Nations Environment Programma contract relating to „Measurements of methane emissions from oil and gas infrastructure in Romania” |
21 | 2019-2022 | BST-20.072.RO.32.1 | Black Sea Trust | Radu Bogdan | Responding to iliberal vectors in the Black Sea Region (RESOLVE) |
22 | 2019-2022 | 36244/ 12.12.2018 | Finanțare privată – Royal Botanic Gardens | Pușcaș Mihai | Conserving the endemic flora of the Carpathian region |
23 | 2020-2022 | 35196/18.11.2019 (NERC Reference NE/T000597/1) | Contract cu terți – Univ. Liverpool | Rakosy Laszlo | Recurrent adaptation to industrial pollution: ancestral diversity and ecological succession |
24 | 2021-2021 | 0063407 | Contract cu terți – Fundația VolkswagenStiftung | Cherecheș Răzvan | Multilingualism in providing quality mental health care to migrants – needs, resources and practices |
25 | 2021-2022 | BST – 21.079.RO44.1 | Black Sea Trust | Gherghina Sergiu | Local Resilience (LOCRES): Piloting Local Resilience Metrics in Romania and Moldova |
26 | 2022-2022 | 34953/ 16.09.2021 | Contract cu terți – Univ. Wien | Pușcaș Mihai | MICROCLIM – A micro-scale perspective on alpine floras under climate change. Linking observations and models to improve our understanding of the future of European high mountain plants |
27 | 2022-2022 | BST-22.091.RO44.2 | Black Sea Trust | Naumescu Valentin | EUXOGLOB 2022-THE EUROPEAN UNION AND NATO APPROACHES ON THE BLACK SEA REGION |
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