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Cosmology with wide-area extragalactic radio surveys
02.11.2023 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
We are currently living in a blooming era of wide field optical cosmological surveys. In particular, extragalactic radio surveys will map the matter distribution at high redshifts crucial to discriminate between current cosmological theoretical models. Dr. Jacobo Asorey Barreiro (Departamento de Física Teorica, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) will address two types of radio observations. One regarding the use of intensity mapping as a low-resolution spectroscopic technique. The other one uses radio-continuum information. Using the full sky HIR4 simulations, he will show the prospects of measuring the growth rate of around redshift z=1 and measuring the expansion rate of the Universe by cross-correlating intensity mapping information with DESI.