We are very pleased to inform you that because of your contribution to the scientific development of the academic community as a scholar, institution, publisher or journal, the literature information in Weekly Articles, which is subscribed for you, free-of-charge through Reference Citation Analysis (RCA) owned by Baishideng Publishing Group, has been officially released. We hope you enjoy your reading! |
Weekly Articles are classified by discipline, keywords, and journals, with one-time free subscription to important academic articles. In addition, the articles are sorted by citations, which greatly improves your efficiency of reading articles and the way that you find important articles. Some articles include full-text in PDF format and figures. |
Subscriber: 48801 RCA ID: https://referencecitationanalysis.com/ Click Your Article (email address): contact@ubbcluj.ro (0) Click Your Article (Author, Initials, and Country): UNIV BABES-BOLYAI (0) Click Your Article (Author, Initials, City, and Country): UNIV BABES-BOLYAI (0) Research Domain: Research Keywords: Affiliation: Journal(s): Publisher: UNIV BABES-BOLYAI (30) Find an Article: https://referencecitationanalysis.com/ Find an Article: https://referencecitationanalysis.com/ Find a Category: https://referencecitationanalysis.com/Categories Find a Journal: https://referencecitationanalysis.com/SearchJournal Find a Scholar: https://referencecitationanalysis.com/searchscholar Find an Academic Assistant: https://referencecitationanalysis.com/searchacademicassistant Find an Article PDF: https://referencecitationanalysis.com/FindArticlePDF Today’s Articles: https://referencecitationanalysis.com/TodayArticles |
If you have not selected your research domain and/or research keywords or journal, you can click “HERE” to edit your subscription to include your preferred research domain, research keywords, journal subscription frequency, etc. |
RCA offers many beneficial features that will have a positive impact on your career objectives and research contributions worldwide. We are sincerely pleased to invite you to participate in the following: Scholar Registration, through which your academic influence, based upon your own articles, will be assessed fairly and objectively in RCA. Example: https://referencecitationanalysis.com/00000002. Journal Registration, through which RCA‘s Find an Academic Assistant service platform facilitates the management of citation data for each article published. Example: https://referencecitationanalysis.com/00000009. Affiliation Registration, through which RCA‘s Find an Academic Assistant service platform provides various algorithm-based tools to improve the quality and efficiency of your company’s academic journal evaluation. Example: https://referencecitationanalysis.com/00001296. Publisher Registration, through which RCA‘s Find an Academic Assistant service platform provides various algorithm-based tools to improve the quality and efficiency of your company’s academic journal evaluation. Example: https://referencecitationanalysis.com/00000001. |
If you have any questions or concerns about using or accessing RCA, please contact the RCA Editorial Office via email at: rca@baishideng.com. |
About RCA As a product of Baishideng Publishing Group, Reference Citation Analysis (RCA) is the world’s largest open-access citation analysis database. The 142,094,937 natural and social sciences articles, including 4,770,162 article PDFs, in RCA belong to 254 disciplines, with literature information (e.g., DOI number) displayed for each. RCA also includes 13,184 core natural and social science journals with a Journal Article Influence Index > 3.0. Moreover, the source of all RCA literature information can be tracked, completely removing the traditional obstacles which researchers face in acquiring related knowledge. RCA’s listings of articles are updated in real time every day; as such, the RCA registrant-controlled email delivery of “Today’s Articles” or “Weekly Articles” provides the latest literature information, which allows members to develop innovative academic thoughts with substantive relation to today’s scientific landscape. |
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