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Unlocking the future: OSCM in the age of disruptions and digitalization

05.08.2024 @ 9:00 am - 09.08.2024 @ 6:00 pm

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration invites you to the 11th edition of the EurOMA Summer School. The event offers a unique learning experience for anyone who has an interest in empirical research at both the operations and supply chain levels, it helps participants immerse themselves in the latest research and developments at the intersection of operations/supply chain resilience and digitalization.


05.08.2024 @ 9:00 am
Se termină:
09.08.2024 @ 6:00 pm
Site web:

Loc de desfășurare

Facultatea de Științe Economice și Gestiunea Afacerilor
str. Teodor Mihali nr. 58-60 + Hartă Google