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Parametric resonance of Alfven waves driven by ionisation-recombination waves in the weakly ionised solar atmosphere
30.05.2024 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

In this talk, Prof. Istvan Ballai (Plasma Dynamics Group, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK) will present results of a recent study on the parametric coupling of Alfven waves propagating in a partially ionised solar plasma with ionisation-recombination waves that appear in a plasma in ionisation non-equilibrium. Depending on the parameters that describe the plasma (density, temperature) the coupling can lead to a parametric resonance. The study determines the occurrence conditions of parametric resonance, by finding the boundaries between stable and unstable regions in the parameter space. The results show that collisions and non-equilibrium recombination can both contribute to the onset of unstable behaviour of parametrically resonant Alfven waves.