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Bootstrapped Newtonian compact objects
23.05.2024 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Bootstrapped Newtonian gravity is a bottom-up approach constructed by adding several gravitational self-interaction terms to the Poisson equation for Newtonian gravity, and it is used to analyze static spherically symmetric compact sources. A noteworthy feature of bootstrapped Newtonian gravity is the absence of a Buchdahl limit, which means that a matter source can be held in equilibrium by a large enough (and finite) pressure for any (finite) compactness value. The solutions for the gravitational potential can effectively describe the interior of macroscopic black holes in the quantum theory and predict deviations from general relativity in the strong field regime of very compact objects. Dr. Octavian Micu (Institute for Space Sciences, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania) will present an overview of the results obtained within this model.