UBB scientifical publications

Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai

UBB Publishing houses

Journals listed/indexed Web of Science/Scopus/Erih Plus

Romanian journals indexed/cocited Web of Science (Science Citation Index Expanded – SCI-EXPANDED, Social Sciences Citation Index – SSCI and Arts and Humanities Citation Index – AHCI) – IF and AIS 2022 values

Romanian journals indexed Web of Science Core Collection – JCI 2022 values

List of journals classified by sub-domain, ordered by their influence score (AIS)

CNCS evaluation of scientific publications – 2020

Journals – Final results of the CNCS 2020 Humanities evaluation

Publishers – Final results of the CNCS 2020 Humanities evaluation

Anelis Plus database

Asociaţia Universităţilor, Institutelor de Cercetare – Dezvoltare şi Bibliotecilor Centrale Universitare din România ANELIS PLUS works to represent the information and documentation interests of its members, promoting knowledge and supporting the implementation of educational and research policies through the acquisition of electronic scientific information resources for education and research, in order to meet the growing information and documentation needs of users in Romania. The Association promotes scientific education and research through nationally / internationally funded projects.

Electronic documentation resources accessible at UBB:

scopus_smallwiley_online_library  ebsco_host_busines_source_complete_small ebsco_host_academic_search_complete_small aip_small ebsco_host_art_fulltext_small

ARCHIVE-CNCSIS/CNCS classification of journals and publishers

CNCS recognized journals in the Arts and Humanities

CNCS Recognized Publishers in the Arts and Humanities

CNCSIS recognized journals

CNCSIS recognized publishers