Nr.crt. | Perioada de implementare | Nr.contract | Acronim | Nume și prenume | Titlu proiect | Pagina web |
1 | 2014-2015 | 633311 | RoTalkScience | Turcu Flaviu | Researchers’s night in Romania: Do you speak science? | website |
2 | 2015-2018 | 643535 | WOMEN-UP | Băban Adriana | Cost effective self-management of urinary incontinence addressed to women across Europe | website |
3 | 2015-2019 | 640769 | STEPWISE | Cormoș Călin | SEWGS Technology Platform for cost effective CO2 reduction in the Iron and Steel Industry | website |
4 | 2018-2019 | 818795 | HsciRO | Turcu Flaviu | Handle with Science | website |
5 | 2020-2021 | 954638 | DoReMi-Ro | Brișan Nicoleta | Doing Research Midnight in ROmania | website |
6 | 2020-2020 | 955436 | Science4Future | Raboșapca Irina | Science promotion in Bistita-Nasaud county | website |
7 | 2016-2020 | 733274 | TO-REACH | Dulf Diana | Transfer of Organisational innovations for Resilient, Effective, equitable, accessible, sustainable and Comprehnsive Health Services and Systems | website |
8 | 2016-2021 | 678106 | INTERTRAP | Gabor Alida | Integrated absolute dating approach for terrestrial records of past climate using trapped charge methods | website |
9 | 2018-2022 | 779318 | RISE | Băban Adriana | Prevention of child mental health problems in South-Eastern Europe – adapt, optimize, test and extend Parenting for life-long health | website |
10 | 2018-2022 | 818135 | CONVERGE | Petrescu Letiția | CarbON Valorisation in Energy-efficient Green fuels | website |
11 | 2019-2022 |
870548 |
DigiGen | Roth Maria | The impact of technological transformations on the digital generation | |
12 | 2020-2022 | 840207 | COEXIST | Horcea-Milcu Andra | Co-creating change: experimenting with values for sustainability transformation | website |
13 | 2021-2022 | 101036166 | ReCoN-nect | Brișan Nicoleta | The Green Deal: Research communication to CommuNities | website |
14 | 2020-2023 | 957115 | ENCHANT | Sinea Anca | Energy Efficiency through behaviour Change Transition Strategies | website |
15 | 2021-2024 | 962553 | DEMOTEC | Bădescu Gabriel | Democratising Territorial Cohesion: Experimenting with deliberative citizen engagement and participatory budgeting in European regional and urban policies | website |
16 | 2022-2024 | 101026118 | OPT-ASSEMBLY | Tyukodi Botond | Optimal design of frustrated self assembly building blocks |
website |
17 | 2021-2025 | 956696 | SAPIENS | Dragoș Dacian | Sustainability And Procurement in International, European, and National Systems | website |
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